Sometimes, it feels like the ability to reclaim our health is just out of reach.
Why Are You Sick? How to reclaim your health with the Ultimate Health Model™ by health coach Benjamin Smith shows you the root causes of your health challenges and teaches you how to reclaim your vitality. Using his proprietary Ultimate Health Model™, you will understand how to turn the negative cycle of ill health into a positive cycle of optimum health.
Learn which shocking nighttime habit is possibly making you sick.
Get the health hacks that you probably never heard of.
They’re invisible and all around you—find out what surprises lurk in your environment that might be damaging your health.
Beat inflammation once and for all with practical, hands-on strategies.
Exercise isn’t the answer to losing weight. I’ll tell you what is.
It’s time to open your eyes to greater health. Energy and vitality can be yours.
Ben Smith is a certified health coach with Primal Health Coaching and a self-taught alternative wellness expert. He has spent fifteen years researching health practices and distilled the unconventional answers that he developed into the Ultimate Health Model™. Using research as his guide, Ben tests hypotheses by putting them into practice in his own life. Since seeing astounding results in his health, he has been sharing his findings with others.
I thought that this book was very interesting. Some of the topics covered made a lot of sense as to things that can make us sick. I loved that the explanations were easy to understand (most of the time, there were a few parts that were still a little technical for me!) and I also liked the fact that the things that were being discussed are simple yet effective things that you can implement as your literally reading the pages, especially things such as the nose breathing.
I think the nose breathing section was the part that really got me as I do struggle breathing through my nose and the symptoms that mouth breathing can cause I was like – that’s me, that’s me! So, I have made an effort since reading to nose breathe even though it is sometimes a struggle. I think the water section was good too, whilst I do drink a lot of water, I’m not sure how good it is so that was another takeaway for me.
A good book with some very practical things that you can do which is always good, so often books tell you to do lots of things which are usually either very time consuming or expensive, but this one has things that you can do for free!
You can grab a copy here #Aff (If you buy a copy through this link I get a teeny commission of the sale from Amazon)
Huge Thanks to Love Books Tours and Benjamin L. Smith for my place on the blog tour.